Online shopping has become the primary way in which most consumers purchase products today. Amazon offers many different choices but how do you know that the products you are purchasing are of good quality and have efficacy? On our website you can purchase pharmaceutical grade supplements, medical equipment, water filtration systems, medical grade CBD products as well as get discount on prescription drugs..
The Darling Center offers many quality products that help you maintain your best health. Simply click on the category which you wish to shop and you will be taken to the appropriate site! In our hCG resources page, we offer hCG friendly food products that we have personally tested and canbe purchased from our site.
We have two very high quality companies that we recommend for their CBD products. BioNanix is only available through physicians offices and is the highest quality non THC CDB you can purchase.
Five CBD has some amazing formualtions for sleep.
Medical Devices
We have several medical devices that you can own and use in the comfort of your own home. These include the ElectroMedicial Royal Rife machine, blue block eyeglasses, infrared sauna blankets and red light therapy blankets.
We now offer high quality water filtration systems from our partner Eco Waterhouse. We use their water in our office so those of you who have tasted our water know how clean and crisp the water is. They systems were designed by EcoWaterhouse here in Dana Point. Kangen is one of the best known water systems in the world and EcoWaterhouse far surpasses their filtration capabilities. Their systems range from under the counter systems to whole house systems.
We will be putting in a whole house system when we build our new ranch house.
For those of you who do not have insurance coverage for prescription medications or chose to pay cash, Good Rx is a great place to save money on medications. For example, Testosterone Cypionate retails for well over $200 a vial and on Good Rx you can get the same vial for less than $50.